Luca Zidane: a boy who knows how to use his head like his father

Luca Zidane: a boy who knows how to use his head like his father

Zinedine Zidane was one of the most elegant, amazing, wonderful footballers of the last 20 years. The graceful Frenchman was so awesome, it should come as no surprise that all FOUR of his sons were born with footballing ability in their genes. All four of them are on the books at Real Madrid: Enzo (the oldest), Luca, Theo and Elyaz (the youngest). As this goal by Theo proves, they’ve all got that trademark stylish Zidane swagger.

We had thought Luca (his second boy) was perhaps the odd one out – largely because he’s a goalkeeper. However, the above video suggests he’s definitely got Zidane DNA flowing through his veins.

It comes from the derby match between the youth teams of Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. 17 year-old Luca clearly wasn’t having his best day in the Real goal, as his side eventually lost 4-2. Perhaps it was that frustration which led to him snapping. Perhaps it was that irritation which led to him squaring up to a rival.

But we’re guessing it was his father’s instincts which saw him sent off for throwing his HEAD at an opponent.

That’s a Zidane, sent off for use of the head. If you don’t understand what’s funny about that, might we suggest you head straight to YouTube and watch the highlights of the 2006 World Cup final…

Zinedine Zidane è stato uno dei più eleganti, incredibili, meravigliosi calciatori degli ultimi 20 anni. A quanto pare il suo talento è stato ereditato pure dai suoi quattro figli che, guarda caso, militano tutti nel Real Madrid: Enzo (il più vecchio), Luca, Theo e Elyaz (il più giovane).

Forse Luca (il suo secondo figlio) sembrava quello più strano soprattutto perché è un portiere. Tuttavia, il video qui sotto  dimostra che è sicuramente figlio di Zidane.

Questo è successo dureante un derby delle giovanili del Real Madrid con l’Atletico Madrid. Il 17enne Luca chiaramente non stava brillando, visto che la squadra stava perdendo 4-2. Forse la frustrazione lo ha portato a scattare. Forse l’irritazione, tanto sta che ha preso a testate un avversario.

A questo punto siamo convinti che Luca abbia ereditato l’istinto del padre. Non ci dimenticheremo mai quando Zidane padre nella finale del Mondiale 2006 prese a testate Materazzi. Ormai esiste una vasta letteratura in proposito. Comunque vale il detto: tale padre, tale figlio.


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