The French Anthem at the Wembley Stadium

The French Anthem at the Wembley Stadium

The esecution of French Anthem at the Wembley Stadium is a moment not to be forgotten.
17 november, during the friendly between England and France, the French National Anthem “La Marseillaise” was played in
 memory of all the deaths because of the terrorist massacre of Friday, 13.11.2015 in Paris. All of England has tightened with France and 80,000 people sang the French hymn!

La Marsigliese allo stadio di Wembley, un momento da non dimenticare
In memoria di tutti i morti della strage terroristica di venerdì 13.11.2015 a Parigi, tutta l’Inghilterra si stringe con la Francia e allo stadio Wembley 80.000 persone cantano l’inno francese!
Inghilterra-Francia 2-0

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